Sunday, January 9, 2011

90 Days for Noelle - Day 9

I mentioned before that Jessica and I still have our autobiographies to write. (Something we hope to have completed VERY soon) In it we are to "think and reflect" about our self and discuss experiences from different stages of our life. When I look back at my life I become thankful. As I go through time in my mind, I think about all the times I messed up and all the mistakes I made. Then I think about where I am now and what God has brought me through. I am thankful. I am thankful for praying parents. I did stupid stuff like most normal teenagers, but unlike most normal teenagers, I had a praying mom. I look back at different friends that I ran around with and now they have become alcoholics or drug addicts. I have wondered, "how did that happen to them and not me". I know one thing I had, and that was a mother that prayed for me everyday. When I was trying to rebel, I had God's protection on my life. I am thankful. I am not perfect and I still have faults and struggles, but I am thankful for the life God has given me. I am thankful for the opportunity God is giving us to be the parents of Cora and Noelle. Through this opportunity, we want them to grow up,  to serve God , and one day realize how blessed they were to have praying parents.

Proverbs 22:6

 6 Start children off on the way they should go,
   and even when they are old they will not turn from it. 

God, we are thankful for all you have done for us. We thank you for the life you have given us and for the adoption You have placed on our hearts. We promise to raise Noelle and all of our children to love and honor You. We dedicate our family to You and pray that You bless us and keep us. Amen.


  1. I would just like to mention that I just noticed the little saying under your picture "Led by God to increase our family through international adoption." It reminded me about what Brother Chris preached on tonight, "Increase." And obviously, this WILL be a year of increase for you guys! :) You are all in my prayers.

  2. Julie,
    Thank you. Today has been a day of confirmation for us. There has been so many things said today that just reassures us that what we are doing is what we are suppose to do. It's funny that Jess pointed out that same text to me earlier and told me what Brother Chris preached on tonight. I hate I missed it.
