Sunday, January 30, 2011

90 Days for Noelle - Day 30

I wonder what the Garden of Eden really looked like? We know that Adam and Eve had the perfect life in the garden. It was the perfect place. All the food they wanted to eat, probably at any time. I'm sure they never worried about being too hot or too cold. Basically, they were rich beyond measure. We look down on them because they messed up so bad. I mean really, is it that hard to follow the rules? They had it made. Maybe that was part of their problem. They had it too easy. Now let's fast forward......The Garden of Eden is long gone. There is sin rampant in this world. This is the world today. If you were to sit back and look at it, what country would look most like Eden? Warm homes, soft beds, 24 hour fast food on every corner. Sound familiar? The U.S. may be as close to Eden as anywhere on Earth and those living in it still cannot follow God's simple rules. Maybe its because we also have it too easy. We see massive revivals breakout all over the world in countries that are so poor, why not here? They rely on God because He is all they have. While we have been lulled to sleep in thinking we don't need God because we have so much. When this world is over, and we are face to face with God, whose shoes would you rather be in? I know this may sound a little harsh and I don't want it to come across preachy or self righteous, but I just want it to get you to think. Think about what you have and what you have been blessed with. We have to remember that everything that we "have" has been given to us by God and we have been asked to be good stewards with it. I guess this is a subject I have been hung up on lately, but as I think about my daughter, and possibly her living hurts. It's these reasons we pray for her daily and ask that you do also. These reasons are also why I bring up these questions and leave you with this one. Are we using all that we have been given in the ways God really wants us to?

Psalm 85:6-7

6 Will you not revive us again,
   that your people may rejoice in you?
7 Show us your unfailing love, LORD,
   and grant us your salvation. 

Dear Lord, I pray for revival in our nation. That we may seek You and be the people that You would have us to be. Thank You for the many blessings You have given us. We pray that we become the stewards You would have us to be to end hunger and poverty in this world. So that we may change the lives of the "Noelle's" all over the world. We love You Father and thank You for all You have given us. Amen.

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