Monday, January 17, 2011

90 Days for Noelle - Day 17

"Mommy, will you still play with me when Noelle gets here?"  This was the beginning to our bedtime discussion last night.  "Of course I will, baby."  I continue to tell Cora how she is so special to me.  She is my first baby girl and may be the only child I get to carry in my belly.  "But she will be adopted" is Cora's response (indicating her realization that being adopted is indeed special).  "Yes, and that will make Noelle special, too."  As I contemplate sharing love, time, and energy, I admit that I do get nervous about having two children. Then I think about God's ability to love all of humanity.  We are each the apple of His eye and hold a special place in His heart.  After all, He created not one of us exactly the same but as unique individuals.  He has personal love for each one of us.  I have no doubt that I will be able to love each of my children equally. As for time and energy, I believe that will work itself out.  

Ephesians 3:4,5
For he chose us in Him before the creation of this world to be holy and blameless in his sight.  In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.

Father, Thank you for your love toward me and for choosing to adopt me as your child.  In your omnipotence, you care for each of us intimately.  I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Help me to conform to your image of love and mercy.  Amen.


  1. I worried about this too when we had our second son. Braxton, our oldest, was almost 5 years old. While I was pregnant with Korbin I went to visit a friend and on the way a little old country church had a bulletin up. It said, "Love is the only thing that can be divided without being diminished"! That put my mind at ease. Now Braxton is 7 and Korbin just turned 3. They are the best of buddies despite the age gap. Our youngest Houston is now 7 months old. Braxton told me the other day he couldn't remember what it was like without Korbin or Houston. It is the most precious gift you can give a child, a sibling.......

  2. Oh don't you worry about being tired! God will most definitely sustain you! You have a precious daughter to work right along side you to care for her new sister. I agree with Misty, siblings are a gift. There is nothing I enjoy more than watching my two little ones "speak" to each other and play with one another. I can't wait to add our third to the mix. We worried about it when we went from 1-2 but we now realize it was the best thing that could've happend. So many valuable character traits can be taught right here at home with a sibling!

  3. Your fears are understandable. However, you will be amazed how easy it will be to love both children equally. Taylor and Kayden are the best of friends and adore each other to the max! Cora will also step up and take her role in God's plan.

  4. I love both of my children equally, but for who they are as indivduals, not as my "children". Katy and I spent many years together as single mom & daughter. She's tough, she's hardheaded, and she's my baby. Not a hugger, but let's me know I am loved. Elijah is my emotional boy. I always know his moods by the look on his face. He always wants a hug or attention. It isn't their similiarites that make them special, it is their differences. OH, by the way...Cora needs a dog if she doesn't have one. Random, I know, but every child needs a dog.

  5. I am catching up on the posts. Having two is hard but it is AMAZING !! And you will be great at it. Being a big sister is fun as well and Kyndal takes a new special role in our house since we brought Norah home. I have so much respect and love for the person that you have become! You give me a blessing and a new perspective each day with these posts !
