Friday, February 11, 2011

90 Days for Noelle - Day 42

I have been asked a few times about an earlier post I made, so i thought i would give a little more information about it. This is a frequent question, "For a country with $24 billion dollars worth of natural resources, why are they the second poorest country in the world?" I think the following video will explain one of the factors a little better than I can. Don't worry, this is not a "cry your eyes out video", but it is very serious. Fix this problem and we could cut back on Kleenex usage from other videos I've seen about the DRC.

Our Noelle is in the Congo and we want her home as soon as possible, but when we take action to reduce the human rights violations taking place there we help to save the "Noelle's" of the future. Orphans are one of the by-products of these mineral conflicts. "No one is asking that you boycott anything, simply that you express a desire to the manufacturers of your electronic goods that you would like to buy a conflict free product when it becomes available". It is easy to do and progress is being made. If you would like more information on this subject, check out

1 Corinthians 10:26

26The Scriptures say, "The earth and everything in it belong to the Lord." 

God, we pray for the strife in the Congo. We pray that those funding and fueling the conflicts cease. That companies cleanse themselves and that the well runs dry for those that have evil intentions. We pray that ethical practices be used when conducting business in the Congo and that the people cry out to you, Father. Bless those who are taking responsibility to do what is right. In Your name we pray. Amen. 

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