Wednesday, February 9, 2011

90 Days for Noelle - Day 40

We finished our last Hague class today. All we need now is the certificate and our part of the homestudy will be finished. We will just have to wait for the actual homestudy document to be completed by our social worker. The classes were not difficult but very informative and usually leave me thinking. Our final class was on being a "conspicuous family". So, what does it mean to be conspicuous? It means that your family stands out. It means that your family is different. The class was referring to our child having a different ethnicity than Jessica and I do. But I want us to be a "conspicuous family" in a different way as well. I want us to stand out as a Christian family. As we discussed tonight while studying 'Crazy Love', we don't want to be lukewarm. We want to be sure we are doing all that God wants us to do and we want to raise our children to love God as we do. When people give us those extra long looks because we are conspicuous. When they stare because they see we have different colored skin from each other. I hope they see our love for each other and when they look away, they don't remember the physical differences we have, but remember us as being a very "conspicuous" Christian family.

Psalm 4:3
But know that the LORD has set apart for Himself him who is godly; The LORD will hear when I call to Him.

Lord, let us be a family noticed because we love and serve You. When people say things to us that could be hurtful, let us always respond as You would have us to. Let our children learn from us as we honor You. In Your name we pray. Amen

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